
Board Members

Idaho Writers Guild Board of Directors
  • President Merilee Marsh
  • Co-Vice-Presidents Amanda Turner and Christy Hovey
  • Secretary Doug Copsey
  • Treasurer Leigh Robbins
  • Past President and Membership Chair Gretchen Mullins
  • Co-Membership Chair Laura Jenski
  • Strategic Planner Rick Just
  • IWG Contest Chair and Writers Corner Facilitator Sherry Briscoe
  • Write Track Sylissa Franklin
  • Advisory Board Member(s) Laura/Bruce DeLaney

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IWG Zero Tolerance Policy

The Idaho Writers Guild (IWG) is committed to providing a safe environment for all its members and guests. The IWG has a zero tolerance policy for any form of discrimination on any ground, and from harassment of any type. This includes all members, presenters, and attendees at any and all IWG functions.

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