
IWG Critique Group

Are you a writer who wants support and encouragement? If you are a member of the Idaho Writers Guild and would like to participate in the Critique Group, please contact Laura Jenski ( for details about upcoming meetings.

We meet the first Tuesday of the month from 6 to 8 p.m. at a member's home for a light potluck dinner, camaraderie, and comments about the submissions (usually two) to be discussed that evening. The writing to be discussed goes out to the group in advance while responsibilities and submissions rotate.
Join other writers as you polish your craft.

1 comment:

  1. The IWG Critique Group is eclectic. Attendees include writers of fiction and non-fiction, novelists as well as short story and flash fiction aficionados. Therefore, those who critique your work may or may not be knowledgeable about your genre and your preferred style. Writing submissions are sent in advance of each monthly meeting and limited to 5,000 words; some of our members prefer to submit 500 words.

    A good source for how to write a query letter is Writer’s Digest Books’ annual Writer’s Market, now in its 96th edition. Regarding critiques, you’ll find useful tips in Becky Levine’s The Writing & Critique Group Survival Guide: How to Give and Receive Feedback, Self-Edit, and Make Revisions (also one of Writer’s Digest Books).

    Dues-paying IWG members are welcome to join us for a test-drive!
